Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Less Is More

I can kind of relate to what the author is saying in this article. My grandparents were also raised during the great depression and they too do not beleive in wasting anything. I remember as a kid when me and my family would all gather to eat i was always told i had to eat everything on my plate before i could leave the table. Although i was brought up to never waste anything, i still find myself doing it often. I know it is wrong when there are many people in other parts of the world that have very litte if anything to eat at all. I guess as Americans we have all just grown accustomed to knowing that there will be a next meal whenever we want it to be. Many people around the world hardly ever know where and when there next meal will be. It really makes me stop and think before i throw away a plate of food still half full.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Black Men and Public Space

The article revealed alot of truth about our society today. It is true that many unfair stereotypes are put on African Americas. Especially African American males. I beleive that televison shows have a lot to do with why the stereotypes occur. Shows such as "Cops" seem to always have many cases where a black male has done something wrong such as drug trafficking or robbery. However you do not see quite as much attention being paid to the white people who are also commiting crimes.
Although I am aware of the way some African Americans are perceived in our country, I have never witnessed it in the way the author describes it in the article. I come from a small town where everybody pretty much knows each other and not only will we walk by each other but we usually speak. Race makes no difference. I guess things are probably a little different in larger cities where the most crime takes place.